The Great Indian Social Media Dream!
We are on a great mission to build a Social Media Platform from India, which is going to touch & positively impact billions of people’s lives.

Our core values












A glance inside our culture
Our spartans are the great pillars in building our Pepul. We believe providing them a cool work environment, high-end devices with humble skilled people around them can create magic and great masterpiece works every day.

How Pepul culture stands out?
A humble yet skilled team
Our people are not from IITs, IIMs, etc. They all are humble yet skilled people who came from villages & districts all around Tamilnadu.

Trust between the team members
We highly operate on trust. Our everyday game is a whole team play, where we trust each other a lot and execute.

We never see resumes
We strongly believe everyone born here are having some talent inside them. We don't judge people by their resume papers, but with their skills & work done before.

Inclusivity & diversity
From CEO to housekeeping people, everyone is equal here in our office. All jobs are great and we all are like one big family here.

Work is worship
We put our work before any other priorities. Our office is our temple. As a team, we strictly follow this and come inside the office for what we have to do.

Right rewards at the right time
We strongly believe to appreciate the hard work at the right time. There will be always surprises & extraordinary rewards for the top performers in our company all the time.